wXa-203, wXa-213, wXa-223
Halo Wi-Fi Extender
Requires a Halo Long Range Wi-Fi Extender for use.
The Halo long-range Wi-Fi extender system takes a weak Wi-Fi signal – at a marina, for
example, or truck stop, basecamp, etc. – and amplifies that signal and routes it through
the RedPort Optimizer Wi-Fi hotspot. It has a marine enclosure designed for outside
installation. Install the Wi-Fi Extender almost anywhere outside.
Please consult the Halo Long Range Wi-Fi Extender Quick Start Guide for initial set up.
CAUTION: Attach the antenna to the Halo body BEFORE powering the unit.
Powering the Halo without the antenna attached will damage the unit and may
render it inoperable.
Configure Optimizer for use with the Halo Wi-Fi Extender
With the Halo powered ON and connected to the Optimizer, login to the Optimizer router.
Configuration of the Halo Wi-Fi Extender can be accessed by default through either the
admin or superadmin user type. Configuration of the Optimizer for use with you Halo
Long Range Wi-Fi Extender is outlined as follows:
1. On the portal dashboard locate the Wi-Fi Extender Setup panel. In step 1 click the
<Connect> button.