wXa-203, wXa-213, wXa-223
Update Optimizer Firmware
Get the latest Optimizer firmware version from here:
redportglobal.com/support/technical-downloads/ Save the .bin file to your computer (pc
or mac).
NOTE: If you have created any Profiles you may want to Export them before flashing new
firmware and Import them when done.
Login to the Optimizer and go to: System > Backup/Flash Firmware.
1. Keep Settings: remove the check in the box to uncheck Keep Settings.
2. <Browse> to where you saved the .bin file and Click that file.
3. Click <Flash Image>.
4. Wait for the gray button on top of the Optimizer to begin flashing. When the button
stops flashing, the firmware is done updating. This typically takes several minutes.
To confirm the firmware upgrade, login to the Optimizer Home Page again. The firmware
version displays in the top banner of the User Interface.