wXa-203, wXa-213, wXa-223
The remaining rules, when Enabled, allow that particular traffic to pass through the
firewall. All the firewall rules can easily be enabled (checked) or disabled (unchecked).
The rule name “ALL”, when enabled, means the firewall is totally open and all traffic goes
straight through the firewall. To disable the rule, uncheck it, scroll to the bottom of the
page and click <Save & Apply>. With the ALL rule disabled, the remaining rules spring
into action, if enabled.
Rules are evaluated from top to bottom. As soon as traffic hits a rule that matches, it will
stop. For example, if you want to allow all traffic except http traffic:
Disable (uncheck) the first rule “ALL-DO NOT MODIFY”. This forces the remaining
“enabled” rules to take precedent.
Disable (uncheck) the rule “HTTP-DO NOT MODIFY”. This blocks http traffic from
passing through the firewall.
With the ALL rule disabled (unchecked) you can enable/disable the others very quickly.
The next one is DNS. Do you want DNS? Yes (checked), No (unchecked). Do you want
http? Yes (checked), No (unchecked), etc. You can also create a custom rule.