User Manual
Proprietary Redline Communications © 2010
Page 28 of 50 September 24, 2010
3.6 Link Configuration Screen
Use this screen to configure advanced features including encryption and channel size.
This screen is displayed only when a session is active to the RDL-2000. The information
displayed is different for the Master and Slave.
Figure 17
Link Mgr - Link Configuration Screen - Master
Figure 18
Link Mgr - Link Configuration Screen - Slave
: (Master only) Enter the identification number for this wireless link. Identical
settings must be used on the Master and Slave.
A wireless link can be established only between pairs of RDL-2000 systems having ID
identical settings. This feature ensures that following power-up and reboot, or a DFS
event, the wireless link will be established only between designated pairs of RDL-2000
For the Slave link ID setting, refer to section 3.4: Installation Screen - Basic on page 22.
: (Master only) Select the center frequency for the RF channel. This field is
active only when ACS is disabled. Identical settings must be used on the Master and
SU MAC Address
: (Master only) Enter the MAC address of the Slave. The Master will
only establish a wireless connection with the RDL-2000 deveice having this MAC