13.9 Main clutch pedal adjustment.
The main clutch can be operated by the foot pedal 8 when sitting on the unit, or with lever 6 when
walking in front of the unit, see Fig 17.
Don’t use the lever 6 for activating the clutch when sitting on the unit.
Lever 6 can be locked in gap 7.
The free play C on the foot pedal (determines also the free play for the lever 6) should be
approximately 25 mm (1”).
Adjustments can be made at rod 3. Remove the pin 1 of fork joint 2 under tank 5 and screw the
fork joint in or out. Screwing out means more play.
14.0 Options, tines
Tines are essential for the correct working of the machine. Several tines are available for this
machine, see the spare part pages for a total overview. Generally speaking, tines can be divided
into two categories: Solids and Hollows. We advise using genuine tines, since they are fully
adapted to the machine.
In fig.18. several tine combination are given. The tineholders have 3 x 12 mm (1/2”) holes for
adapting tines. The lock bolt A may be tightened till 40 Nm (30 lbs.ft.). If the tines still slip out of
the adapter, grind a flat area to the tine.
14.0.1 Solid tines
Solid tines will break the hard compaction in the ground. The tine angle setting (see par.5.0)
determines the amount of “kick”action in the ground. If the angle is adjusted from 90 degrees up
to 75 degrees, the “kick”action increases. With a 90 degrees setting we hardly create any tine
motion in the ground, with 75 degrees we have the maximum tine action in the ground.