www.RedDevilEquipment.com (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-852-1811
1785871 Rev J
ECO 15-0051 B
December 2015
Owner’s Manual: XVL10
10. W
Equipment Covered Under This Warranty:
Model XVL10
Red Devil Equipment Co. warrants equipment manufactured by it and bearing its name to be free from
defects in material and workmanship.
Red Devil Equipment Co. will provide replacement parts caused by failure due to production or
manufacturing error during the warranty period. Costs of labor and transportation for service of
machines under this warranty will also be covered during the warranty period. Normal ground freight
will be covered for replacement parts sent within the warranty period. UPS Ground or common carrier
ground freight will be covered for the return of defective items only.
This warranty applies only when the equipment is installed, operated, and maintained in accordance
with written Red Devil Equipment Co. instructions as appearing in the owners' manuals.
This warranty does not cover, and Red Devil Equipment Co. shall not be liable for, any malfunction,
damage, or wear caused by faulty installation, misapplication, abrasion, corrosion, inadequate or
improper maintenance, negligence, accident, tampering, or substitution of non-Red Devil Equipment
Co. component parts, modification or use for non-intended purposes. Nor shall Red Devil Equipment
Co. be liable for malfunction, damage, or wear caused by the incompatibility of Red Devil Equipment Co.
equipment with structures, accessories, equipment, or materials not supplied by Red Devil Equipment
Disclaimers and Limitations
The terms of this warranty constitute purchaser's sole and exclusive remedy and are in lieu of any
other warranties, express or implied. In no case shall Red Devil Equipment Co.'s liability exceed the
amount of the purchase price. *
All warranty repairs must be executed by a Red Devil Equipment Co.
Authorized Service Center or warranty will be voided
Please contact your Red Devil Equipment Co. account representative at 800-221-1083 for specific
questions regarding warranty terms.