Behavior in event of faults
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Behavior in event of faults
In the event of an irregularity or malfunction, different displays are shown depending on the control
unit connected.
If the door performs a slow opening or closing movement, this can indicate a
deliberate automatic redundancy test.
Display on the control unit
▪ Status messages are displayed with status number and text.
▪ The display changes alternately from white to black.
▪ After 10 seconds, the telephone number of the relevant service center is alternately displayed.
Possible troubleshooting
▪ Based on the status display some errors can sometimes be eliminated
▪ If you are not sure, please contact the relevant service center
▪ Before you call, write down the data displayed on the BDE-D. This information provides the tech-
nician with important information’s for troubleshooting
▪ If several status messages are active at the same time, they are numbered: e.g. error 1 / 2
▪ Pressing the E-button permits to navigate from one error message to the next one
Which information?
How displayed? (Example)
Status text and number ▪ It is automatically displayed
on the BDE-D
▪ Press the following button on
the BDE-D for 2 seconds
Resetting the control module
In some cases, the malfunction may be remedied by restarting the control unit. Please proceed as
described below.
▪ Make sure that the drive cladding is closed and that nobody is obstructing the system or ap-
proaching it, thereby triggering an opening of the system.
Press > 5 seconds
▪ The system will reset
▪ The first movement after a reset occurs at reduced speed
▪ If a fault is still displayed on the control unit after resetting, please contact our service center, stat-
ing the error message.