RechargX™ RX211
Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm ET © 1995-2011 ReChargX™, EmptyX, TonerRefillKits and, the TonerRefillKits logo, the
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Step 15: Locate the Waste Hopper Area
Orient the cartridge on your work surface with
the bottom of the cartridge facing toward the
ceiling (figure 16).
In this orientation, the waste hopper will be
located on the left side within the area shown
by the white circle.
Step 16: Plug in the Hole-Making Tool
Plug in the hole-making tool included with the
ReChargX™ Tool Kit.
Turn the sand timer over and wait the full three
minutes before using the tool so it reaches
proper operating temperature (figure 17).
This ensures the tool will easily penetrate the
cartridge housing.
Step 17: Waste Hopper Hole Location
The waste hopper hole will be placed on the
bottom-left side of the cartridge, as shown by
the white circle and arrows in figure 18.
Figure 16
: Locate the toner waste hopper area
Figure 17
: Wait for the hole-making tool to heat up
Figure 18
: The waste hopper hole location