Before carrying out any repairs, adjustments or maintenance to any equipment
supplied by Regulateurs Europa Ltd, it is essential the following safety precautions
be observed.
The operator should take care to make themselves thoroughly familiar with the
operating principles, methods of adjustment and the dismantling and assembly
procedures (where applicable) concerning the equipment in use.
Product Condition
Before power-up ensure that the product is in a good condition and not damaged,
paying particular attention to the ICENIbus connectors on each side of the module
and the field wiring connectors at the top of the module. Ensure that any wires are
fitted securely into terminals.
Signal Connection
If the module requires configuration then ensure that any critical signals are
disconnected from the module until configuration of the module has been
performed. This will prevent unwanted or unexpected changes in signal polarity
from affecting other circuitry.
Module Damage / Repair
The Iceni modules are not repairable. Where damage is found that could
compromise the operation of the module, a replacement part should be sourced
from Regulateurs Europa Ltd.
Iceni module should be disposed via an approved disposal scheme suited to
electronic products and in accordance with local legislation.
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