Running a Variable Rate Treatment plan
If applying from a treatment plan stored on the SD card, set the bottom port option to "DATA CARD MODULE" -
(section 4.1).
If receiving treatment plan data from a third-party controller (e.g. JD GREENSTAR), then set the bottom port
option for the appropriate controller.
NOTE: Inserting a memory card will disable the bottom port. If no instructions are being received from the other
controller, check that the SD card slot is empty (section 4.2).
1. Press the INFO key and then the key. The screen will display the current logging status, the number of
jobs (job summaries) stored in memory, and the status of the Data Card Module.
2. Press the START key. The JOB STARTUP page is displayed. Select the logging option "1. APPLY FROM
3. Key in the 'FARM NUMBER' and 'FIELD NUMBER'.
4. Select the appropriate plan from the list on screen and press the ENTER key to confirm.
5. Press the 'START' key. The "EXTENDED DATA FUNCTIONS" page is then displayed (section 5.1.4). If you don't
wish to programme any extended functions then press .
6. Wait while the work plan file is loaded and a work record file is created on the Data Module. Once the plan is
loaded, the 'RUNNING A PLANNED JOB' page appears, and displays the tag list. See section 5.1.3 about
While VRT mode is in operation a flashing satellite symbol is displayed alongside the Target Rate on the
MAIN screen.
The target rate on the MAIN screen now becomes the application rate according to the treatment plan data
(Base rate x Multiplier) and the position in the field. The treatment rectangle size is defined in the treatment
plan software.
Plan Status Display
Press the key to display the current application rate according to the treatment plan, for each
distribution system in operation. This is displayed as 'Base Rate x Multiplier = App. Rate'
Application Rate without a GPS Signal
If you lose the DGPS signal the treatment rate will revert to the 'Base Rate' specified in the plan.
Application Rate outside the Field Boundary
If you go outside the field boundary but are still within the treatment rectangle, a icon flashes on the
display and the instrument beeps continuously. The application rate reverts to the base rate. If you are outside
the field boundary and treatment rectangle, then the application rate goes to zero.