Any serious variation from these voltages would indicate a defective resistance strip or power
transformer. An easy method to determine whether the defect is in the power transformer or the
resistance strip would be as follows:
Defective power transformer.
(a) Any A. G. voltages off the correct value.
(b) All D. C. voltages, high or low, their differences remaining constant. Defective resistance unit.
. (a) Any D. G. voltages being either high or low, but not all consistently high or low with all A. C.
voltages correct.
In order to intelligently service Radiola 17 it is well to have a good understanding of how the various
circuits function.. The plate supply and filament
Schematic circuit for securing grid biasing voltages.
supply systems present no special features not used in similar circuits. However the grid biasing voltages
are obtained in a slightly different manner from that usually employed to obtain "G" bias voltage. Also
the —9 volt "C" used to bias the Radiotron UX-226 is also used to keep the heater element of the detec-
tor Radiotron at a negative potential.
Figure 18 illustrates the grid and plate supply circuit.
(a) The three plate voltages and the —9 volt "C" potential are obtained from a series resistance
unit in the regular manner, using the drop of voltage through the resistance unit to obtain the desired
voltage. The —9 volt " C " supply is used as a bias voltage for all Radiotrons UX-226 and is also
impressed on the UY-227 heater through the center connection to the UY-227 potentiometer. The +9
volt " C'' is connected to the cathode of this Radiotron. The net result of such an arrangement is to keep
the heater element of the detector tube at a sufficiently high negative potential to eliminate any tendency
of the cathode to emit electrons back to the heater rather than to the plate of the tube.
(b) Referring to Figure 18 we note that the —9 "C" is also marked —30 "C" and connected to the
grid of Radiotron UX-171. Also a series resistance is placed in the grid return from this resistance and
connected to the center tap of