( ) Connect a 5-1/4" piece of RED WIRE to TB9-2 (C). ROUTE the other end through HOLE
"C" to the top of the chassis. It will be connected later .
..:. 2. ( ) From TBl0-1. CONNECT the RED WIRE to TB9-2 (C).
•·3 .
( ) Cut both leads on a lOKil, lOW, 10% RESISTOR, R49, to 3/4". CONNECT from TB9-2
(S3) to TB7-2 (C).
:.. 4. ( ) Cut both leads on a 33Kil, l/2W, 10% (orange, orange, orange, silver) RESISTOR, R17,
to 1/2". CONNECT from TB7-5 (C) to TB7-3. (Sl).
(... 5. ( ) Cut both leads on a 1. 5Mil, 1/2W, 10% (brown, green, green silver) RESISTOR, R18, to
3/4". CONNECT from TB7-5 (S3) to XV6-1 (C).
\..6. ( ) Connect a 16" piece of BLACK COTTON COVERED WIRE to TB8-� (C) and a 16" piece of
BLACK/WHITE COTTON COVERED WIRE to TB8-1 (C). Twist them together and ROUTE
them through HOLE "H" to the top of the chassis. They will be connected later.
( ) From HOLE "F" CONNECT the THICK BROWN WIRE to TB8-3 (C).
( ) Connect one side of the LINE CORD to TBS-1 (S2) and the other side to XFl-1 (Sl).
(...9. ( ) Connect a 9" piece of THICK BROWN WIRE to TB8-3 (C). ROUTE the other end through
HOLE "C" to the top of the chassis. It will be connected later.
l-10. ( ) Cut both leads on a 270Kil, 1/2W, 10% (red, violet, yellow, silver) RESISTOR, R27, to
1/2". CONNECT from XV3-9 (C) to TB8-3 (C).
1--11. ( ) Cut both leads on a . 1 ufd, 1600V MYLAR CAPACITOR, ClO, to 1". CONNECT from
XV3-9 (S2) to TB9-l (C). Raise the capacitor off the chassis.
12. ( ) Cut both leads on a .1 ufd, 1600V MYLAR CAPACITOR, Cll, to 1". CONNECT from
TB8-3 (C) to TB9-1 (
2). Raise the capacitor off the chassis.
13. ( ) Cut and strio the leads on the TRANSFORMER, Tl as follows:
( ) One BLACK WIRE to 8" and the other to 11-1/2".
( ) The BROWN WIRE to 2-1/2".
( ) Both YELLOW WIRES to 2".
( ) The WHITE WIRE to 2-l/2".
( ) The BLUE WIRE to 2".
( ) One RED/YELLOW WIRE to 1-1/2".
( ) Both RED WIRES to 5-l/4".
( ) One GREEN WIRE to 4-1/2" and the other to 7 -1/2".