'-'12. ( ) Cut both leads on a 100 uuf DISC CAPACITOR, C15, to 3/4". CONNECT from XV4-2 (C) to
XV4-7 (C).
'-- 13. ( ) Cut both leads on a 47K
1W, 10% (yellow, violet, orange, silver) RESISTOR, R33, to
3/ 4". CONNECT from XV4-2 (C) to TB6-5 (S3) .
14. ( ) Cut both leads on a 47000, 1W, 10% (yellow, violet, red, silver) RESISTOR, R29, to 1/2". '
CONNECT from XV4-6 (S2) to TB6-3 (C).
t15. ( ) Cut both leads on a 22KO, 1/2W, 10% (red, red, orange, silver) RESISTOR, R31, to 1/2".
CONNECT from XV4-7 (C) to XV4-10 (C) .
..-16. ( ) Cut both leads on a 56 uuf DISC CAPACITOR, C16, to 1/2". CONNECT from XV4-7 (C) to
TB6-3 (C).
17. ( ) Cut both leads on an 18KO, 1/2W, 10% (brown, gray, orange, silver) RESISTOR, R30, to
3/4". CONNECT from XV4-2
to XV4-7 (S
18. ( ) Cut both leads on an 82000, 1/2W, 10% (gray, red, red, silver) RESISTOR, R34, to 1/2".
CONNECT from XV4-10 (S_?) to TB10-2
'- 19. ( ) Cut both leads on a 330KO, 1/2W, 10% (orange, orange, yellow, silver) RESISTOR, R51,
to 1/2". CONNECT from XV6-2 (S2) to XV6-6 (C).
20. ( ) Cut both leads on a 17KO, 1W, 10% (yellow, violet, orange, silver) RESISTOR, R42, to
3/4". CONNECT from TB5-1 (S5) to XV5-6 (C).
t./21. ( ) Cut both leads on a 6. 8KO, 1/2W, 10% (blue, gray, red, silver) RESISTOR, R38, to 1/2". '
CONNECT from XV5-7 (S1) to XV5-"GG" (S1).
22. ( ) Cut both leads on a . 1 ufd, 400V, 20% MYLAR CAPACITOR, C8, to 3/4". CONNECT from
XV5-1 (C) to TB3-5 (C).
""23. ( ) Cut both leads on a 47KO, 1W, 10% (yellow, violet, orange, silver) RESISTOR, R41, to
3/4". CONNECT from XV5-1 (S2) to TB3-4
(C) .
_?.24. ( ) Cut both leads on a 2. 2KO, 1W, 10% (red, red, red, silver) RESISTOR, R39, to 3/4". '
CONNECT from XV5-8 (S2) to TB3-2 (C).
!25. ( ) Cut both leads on a 3. 3MO, 1/2W, 10% (orange, orange, green, silver) RESISTOR, R43,
to 1/2". CONNECT from TB3-5 (S3) to TB1-1 (C).
C26. ( ) Cut both leads on a 470KO, 1/2W, 10% (yellow, violet, yellow, silver) RESISTOR, R44, to
1/2". CONNECT from TB3-4 (C) to TB1-1 (S3).
( ) Cut both leads on a 470KO, 1/2W, 10% (yellow, violet, yellow, silver) RESISTOR, R45, to
1/2". CONNECT from TB3-4 (S4) to TB1-2 (C).
L28. ( ) Cut both leads on a 3. 3MO, 1/2W, 10% (orange, orange, green, silver) RESISTOR, R46, to
1/2". CONNECT from TB3-3 (S2) to TB1-2 (S3).
( ) Cut both leads on a 2. 2M, 1/2W, 10% (red, red, green, silver) RESISTOR, R37, to 1/2".'
CONNECT from TB3-2 (S2) to TB3-1 (S3).
GENERAL: B�fore going on with the next figure, please review all of the preceding steps pertaining
to Figure 8 for any possible errors.