MIDWAY between the edge of the frame and bezel wall, as shown in the detail. SECURE it with
one 3/8" flatwasher and one 3/8" hex nut, but do not tighten.
4. ( ) MOUNT the (16011) 2 MEG•l POTENTIOMETER, R21, as shown. BEND the locating TAB
out of the way. Use the mounting procedure described in Step 3.
5 .
( ) MOUNT the (16011) 2MO POTENTIOMETER, R47, as shown. Use the mounting procedure
described in Step 3. Rotate the pot so that the lugs are facing DOWN.
6. ( ) MOUNT the (18108) 100KO POTENTIOMETER, R12, as shown. Use the mounting proce
dure described in Step 3. Rotate the pot so that the lugs are facing DOWN. Tighten all the nuts
on each of the pots.
7. ( ) MOUNT the pre-assembled FRONT PANEL to the chassis, as shown, using the remaining
steps to secure it.
8. ( ) INSERT the (43001) 3/8" GROUND LUG over the shaft of the (18107) 10KO POTENTIOM
ETER, R8. MOUNT the POTENTIOMETER with GROUND LUG in the hole marked "YERT GAIN"
on the front panel. Rotate the pot so that the locating tab slips into the oblong hole on the chassis.
Position the GROUND LUG over the left lug on the POTENTIOMETER. SECURE it with one
3/8" flatwasher and one 3/8" hex nut.
9 .
( ) INSERT the (43001) 3/8" GROUND LUG over the shaft of the (16006) 1Mcf POTENTIOM
GAIN" on the front panel. Rotate the pot so that the locating tab slips into the oblong hole on the
chassis. POSITION the GROUND LUG over the left lug on the POTENTIOMETER. SECURE it
with one 3/8" flatwasher and one 3/8" hex nut.
10. ( ) MOUNT the (60120) ROTARY SWITCH WITH POT, S3/R36, in the hole marked "SWEEP
RANGE/VERN" on the front panel. Rotate the switch so that the locating tab slips into the ob
long hole on the chassis. SECURE it with one 3/8" flatwasher and one 3/8" hex nut.
11. ( ) MOUNT the NEON BULB, 11, to the panel. SECURE it by using one retaining ring. Rest
the head of 11 on a block of wood and with the concave surface facing towards the panel, snap
the ring into place over the casing shaft.
12. ( ) MOUNT the BINDING POST, J1,.to the front panel as follows:
( ) From the front of the panel insert one of the ¥LASTIC PLATFORMS into the double
toothed hole on the panel (marked "VERT INPUT") making certain that the space between
both pair of teeth on the PLATFORM locks into the teeth on the panel.
b. ( ) Place the threaded portion of the BINDING POST through the double "D" hole in the
c. ( ) From the rear of the panel insert another PLASTIC PLATFORM over the threaded
portion of the BINDING POST. Rotate until it locks into the hole. SECURE the assembly
by using the hardware supplied in the following order: one No. 8 flatwasher, one No. 8
split washer, and one No. 8-32 hex nut. Then place one No. 8 brass lug over the body of
the screw and secure it by using a No. 8-32 hex nut.
13. ( ) MOUNT BINDING POST, J3, into the hole on the panel marked "HORIZ INPUT", using the
procedure described in Step 12.
14. ( ) MOUNT BINDING POST, J2, into the hole on the panel marked, "G", as follqws:
a. ( ) From the front of the panel insert one of the PLASTIC PLATFORMS.