Wireless Access Point User Guide
get manageOnlyLan
Display Management only via LAN Enable/Disable
get roguedetect
Display Rogue AP Detection Enable/Disable
get rogueinteval
Display Minutes of every Rogue AP Detection(Range: 3 ~ 99)
get rogueband
Display Rogue AP Detection band(s)
get roguetype
Display Rogue AP definition
get roguesnmp
Display Rogue AP Detection SNMP Trap Enable/Disable
get roguelegal
Display Legal AP List of Rogue AP
get autoConfig
Display Auto Config Enable/Disable
get autoResponse
Display Respond to Auto Config request Enable/Disable
get autoChangeName
Display Provide admin login name and password
get autoSetResp
Display Provide respond to Auto Config request
get autoUpdate
Display Auto Update Enable/Disable
get autoUpgradeOnly
Display Install later version only Enable/Disable
get autoUpdateInterval
Display Auto Update Interval(1~31days)
get ftpServer
Display FTP Server address
get fwPathname
Display Firmware Pathname
get ftpLogin
Display FTP Login Name
get ftpPassword
Display FTP Password
get activeCurrentProfile
Display active Current Profile
get profileName
Display Profile Name
get profileVlanId
Display Profile VLAN ID
get APPrimaryProfile
Display AP Primary Profile
get WDSPrimaryProfile
Display WDS Primary Profile
get securityMode
Display Security Mode
get Accounting
Display Accounting Enable/Disable
get Accountingport
Display Accounting port number
get keyValue
Display Encryption Key Value
get keyLength
Display Encryption Key Length
get keyIndex
Display Encryption Key Index
get UAM
Display UAM Authentication Enable/Disable
get UAMMethod
Display UAM Authentication Method