Raypak, Inc.
Make sure you Have tHe rIGHt control
If you need the TempTracker mod+ to do additional tasks that either are not listed or do not know how to configure them, contact your
local Raypak representative.
InItIal setup
Setting an Initial Program will ease the configuration of the TempTracker mod+ and will give the opportunity to utilize many of the
energy saving features and give more comfortable heat when needed.
The program should consist of the following:
• Selecting the features that your system can utilize,
• Installation: Install the Control, switches and sensors,
• Setting the System Startup,
• Setting the System Settings,
• Setting the Stages
• Adjusting Reset Ratio and Water Offset (In Reset Mode Only)
selectInG tHe systeM features
The TempTracker mod+ has been designed with Hydronic building heating as the primary purpose. With this in mind, many of the
TempTracker mod+ features can be utilized to ease, enhance and improve your system performance. Some of these features are listed
in this section.
outdoor reset or set poInt
• The TempTracker mod+ can control the System Temperature either by adjusting the calculated temperature according to the Outdoor
Temperature (Outdoor Reset) or by maintaining an adjustable Set Point. The earlier relies on an Outdoor Sensor (supplied with the
control) and achieves better fuel savings in addition to better comfort.
nuMber of staGes
• The TempTracker mod+ can be configured to control up to 4 modulating boilers. It can control up to 16 boiler stages using a maximum
of two TempTracker mod+ Extension Panels
ModulatIon Mode
The TempTracker mod+ stages boilers using parallel modulation. Parallel modulation can modulate several boilers together as a
one large boiler.
This is useful for boilers which are more efficient at lower firing points.
ModulatInG sIGnal
The TempTracker mod+ is designed to accurately control the output from 25% to 100% of modulation for each of these different
types of equipment. One TempTracker mod+ can even control a variety of the above different modulation equipment.
autoMatIc rotatIon aMonG boIlers
• Rotating the first burner to be activated on a call for output promotes even wear on all burners. The TempTracker mod+ has three
modes of rotation: Manual, Last-ON, or Time automatically rotating every selected time period from every hour to every 60 days.
standby boIler
• Any boiler can be configured as a Standby boiler. It withholds a specific boiler from being included in the Lead Rotation. However,
the Standby boiler will be fired only as a backup when all other stages combined cannot satisfy the demand and after an adjustable
delay period.
setback or day/nIGHt scHedulInG
Two Setback modes are available for the TempTracker mod+:
The Day/Night Scheduling provides an adjustable time-based schedule for the Setback.
• The Setback mode uses an external signal to switch the operation of the TempTracker mod+ in and out of setback mode.