4.3.5 Utilising the Harmonising Programs of the new RAH
Page 34
Pause Function and Terminating the Harmonising
The harmonising time is interrupted when you press the stop button once.
The start button restarts the harmonising time. In order to stop
harmonisation and set back the RAH module, the stop button is pressed
Repeating RAH Programs or Advancing to the Next Position
If you have selected several programs at once, you can choose programs
within the set sequence directly. This is performed with the arrows.
The arrow key pointing to the right or, alternatively, the button of the
Rayotensor moved to the right lets you leap to the next program. Actuating
the arrow pointing to the left or the Rayotensor button pushed left selects
the previous harmonising program.
The sequence of the program run corresponds with the sequence determined
when the program flow was selected. Actuating the button to the left (or the
Rayotensor button to the left) sets the harmonising time of the current
program back to the start value. The previous program is only called up
again if you repeat this step.
Testing a RAH Harmonising Program with the Rayotensor
The harmonising programs of the Rayocomp PS 10 cannot be applied for
harmonising alone, you can also use them for testing.
Simply select a harmonising program as described at the beginning and
press the start button. After the program has been called up, you can test
with the Rayotensor to find out whether harmonisation is required or not.
The polariser is therefore set to neutral (N). A rotation of the Rayotensor cage
shows that harmonisation is not required, a linear motion shows the
necessity to harmonise. The button of the Rayotensor (button down) also
allows you to test with different polarities to find out whether the disorder is
strong or weak.
If harmonising is required, you write down the number of the program before
starting to test the next one. Do so by pressing the stop button twice. Then
you can select the next harmonising program you want to test.
Please note that that the module 8 of the RAH only comprises a selection of
the harmonising programs. Only the modules 9 and 10 comprehend all
available RAH-programmes. The functions of the module M10 are explained
in detail.