Ray49 Marine VHF Radio
Latitude/Longitude Display
The L/L DISPLAY setting indicates whether Latitude and Longitude position data
are displayed on the screen in standby mode.
Time Display
The TIME DISPLY setting indicates whether time information is displayed on the
screen in standby mode. When manual time is used, it is always displayed as UTC
time, even if you have entered an offset.
If TIME DISPLAY is set ON, COG/SOG is automatically set to OFF. Because they oc-
cupy the same line on the LCD, only one of these two settings can be displayed at a time.
Time Offset
The TIME OFFSET setting indicates the amount of time to add or subtract from
UTC time to equal your local time. Rotate the
knob to select a value from
b13 to –13 hours of UTC and then press ACCEPT to confirm. After
setting up Time Offset, “LOC” is displayed to the right of the Time field to indicate
local time.
Time Format
The TIME FORMAT setting indicates whether the time is displayed in 12 hour or 24
hour format.
COG/SOG Display
This setting determines whether Course Over Ground and Speed Over Ground
(COG/SOG) data from the GPS is displayed on the bottom line of the dot matrix
display instead of the time of day. The menu setting “Bearing Mode“ on page 53
determines whether the True or Magnetic heading is displayed for COG. The
Speed Unit setting determines whether knots, MPH or KPH is used for SOG.