Chapter 2: Installation
NMEA Alarm
When no valid position data is available, the NMEA alarm sounds (provided that
the MMSI number has been programmed): the GPS satellite icon flashes and NO
POS DATA is displayed on the dot matrix display. The alert tone sounds for 5
seconds or until you acknowledge it by pressing any key. The alarm repeats every
four hours, as long as the condition exists.
If desired, you can manually enter time and position data using the GPS/Time
Setup feature, as described on page 47. The alert repeats every four hours as long
as no position information has been entered manually. If position data is entered
manually but has not been updated during the previous 23.5 hours, all the
position (lat/lon) fields are set to all 9’s, time field is set to all 8’s, and the display
reverts to NO POS DATA.
Raymarine recommends that you install a VHF Marine band antenna with a
minimum height of 8 ft. and gain of at least 3 dBi.
The coaxial VHF antenna cable connects to the Ray49 antenna jack on the rear
panel using a PL-259 VHF type connector. The antenna cable length can be critical
to performance. If you are uncertain, contact a professional installer or call
Raymarine Product Support. If a longer cable length is required, RG-8x (50 ohm)
marine coaxial cable or equivalent cable can be used for runs up to a maximum of
50 feet. If the distance required is even greater, Raymarine recommends using low
loss RG-213 or equivalent cable for the entire run to avoid excessive losses in
power output.
If the antenna RF connector is likely to be exposed to the marine environment, a
protective coating of silicon grease (Dow Corning DC-4 or similar) can be applied
to the connector before connecting it to the radio. Any other extensions or
adapters in the cable run should also be protected by grease and then wrapped
with a waterproofing tape.
NMEA IN + (gray)
to Radio:
from GPS:
NMEA IN (purple)