Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies Co., Ltd.
Fiber Delivered Direct Diode Laser User Guide 1500W
After you enter the UI, press ‘Enter’, and the following options will be displayed:
You have entered UI, press ‘Enter’………………………
Welcome to use Raycus fiber laser
Please choose the operation mode:
1-> CW mode
2->Pulse mode
3->CW mode with remote modulation
4->Pulse mode with remote modulation
5->Clear errors
6->Save system configurations
You can enter the operation mode by pressing corresponding number on the keyboard.
CW mode
Press ‘1’ in the mode selection page, you will enter ‘CW mode’. In this mode, the laser emission
is continuous, so just one parameter needs to be set-percentage of output power.
The present operation mode is CW mode
Please set percentage of output power (MIN=0, MAX=100), press ‘Enter’ to confirm:
Then type a number between 0 and 100, with minimum increment of 1, then press ‘Enter’.
For example, type ‘20’ and enter, the output power will be set to approximate 20%.
Please set percentage of output power (MIN=0, MAX=100), press ‘Enter’ to confirm:20
Press ‘7’ to return to previous menu, press ‘Enter’ to reset
Because the output power is not linear with the power setting signal, so it is not accurately
present by percentage of output power.
If you don’t input anything, the system will accept 0 as the default, which means that if you
press ‘Enter’ without no value typed in, the percentage of output power will be set to 0%