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Cables using a 1/2 in (13 mm) joint:
Hot-hot joint:
2 pieces
3/8 in (9 mm) dia. x 6.9 in (18 cm)
long heat shrinkable tubing for heating
1 piece
3/4 in (19 mm) dia. x 6.9 in (18 cm)
long heat shrinkable tubing for joint
Hot-cold joint:
1 piece
3/8 in (9 mm) dia. x 6.9 in (18 cm)
long heat shrinkable tubing for heating
1 piece
1/2 in (13 mm) dia. x 6.9 in (18 cm)
long heat shrinkable tubing for cold
1 piece
3/4 in (19 mm) dia. x 6.9 in (18 cm)
long heat shrinkable tubing for joint
Note: Cut heat shrink tubing into 2 pieces if
Note: For the rare instances where a 3/4 in
(19 mm) joint is required, use 1/2 in (13 mm) heat
shrinkable tubing in place of the 3/8 in (9 mm)
tubing and 3/4 in (19 mm) tubing in place of the
1/2 (13 mm) tubing. It will be necessary to locally
source a 1 in (25 mm) diameter heat shrinkable tub-
ing (adhesive lined) to cover the joint. Follow proce-
dure below to complete joint.
Heat shrink is installed over completed 1/2 in (13
mm) joint as follows:
Hot-hot joint:
Move 3/8 in (9 mm) dia. x 6.9 in (18 cm) long pieces
of heat shrinkable tubing (previously installed) for-
ward to completely cover bare copper sheath cable.
Using heat gun, shrink the tubing over the bare
copper cable by applying heat from the center, then
outwards to the ends
(see Figure F1).
Slide 3/4 in (19 mm) dia. x 6.9 in (18 cm) long piece
of heat shrink forward and center over joint; heat
shrink should overlap both ends of joint equally.
Using heat gun, shrink the tubing over the joint by
applying heat from the center, then outwards to the
ends. Figure F2 shows the completed joint.
Appendix F: Heat Shrink
Tubing Installation for
Polymer Jacketed Cables