Company Confidential
Raveon Technologies Corp.
been configured by your dealer or distributor. If so, it is labeled on the rear of the
unit. If it is not labeled with an ID, the factory default ID is in it.
The default Address Mask is F000, which means the
will receive a
transmission from any other RF-7800W as long as the first digit matches, in this
case, the first digit is a 0.
Make sure you set the
of each
in your system to a different
For example, to set the ID of your
to 17, enter:
MYID 17 <enter>
To set your
to send its position and status data to
number 1,
ATDT 1 <enter>
To set your address mask to receive all messages from units with IDs 1-999, and
exclude 1000-9999, enter
ATMK F000 <enter>
Time Slots
uses a transmission scheme popular in mobile-telephones called
TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access). Each
is allocated a time-slot
to use for sending and receiving radio messages.
Refer to Section 10.2 for detailed explanation of the TDMA scheme. The important
point to understand is that for optimum efficiency in a
system, begin
sequentially numbering the MYID of the
transponders at ID 0001. The
second RF-7800W should be ID 0002, and so on.
transponders have internal clocks with 100 ticks-per-second.
They can measure time and initiate transmissions 100 times every second (every
10mS). The TDMA time slot is configured to be some number of these ticks. The
factory default allocation is 100mS for one time-slot. So each TDMA time slot is
100mS long, and thus in 1 seconds, up to 9
transponders may report
position using slots 1-9. Slot 0 is reserved.
8. Operation
Once power is applied to the RF-7800W, the internal GPS will begin to try to lock
onto the GPS satellites.
The PWR led on the front will begin to blink every two seconds.
After 10 to 60 seconds, depending upon the satellite strength, the red alternating
blinking will stop. This indicates the internal GPS receiver is locked onto GPS
satellite signals, and has a position fix.