Pre-Delivery Checklist
Product No. 70526 - HR 9016 Turbo
Product No. 70527 - HR 9016 Turbo
Tractor _________________________
Wheel lug torque 65-75 ft. lb. (88 - 102 Nm)
Tire pressure should be:
Tractor: 20-22 psi (138 -152 kPa)
Decks: 20-25 psi (138 - 173 kPa)
Hydro linkage neutral centering adjustment
(unit must not creep in neutral)
Traction pedal
Parking brake
Turn assist pedals
Engine _________________________
Engine oil level
Engine coolant level
Air cleaner element and connections
Belt adjustment
Electrical System ________________
Interlock system
Ignition switch
Brake switch
Power take-off switch
Operator’s seat switch
Operation of all remaining switches
Panel gauges and warning lights
For pinched or rubbing wires
Hydraulic System _______________
Hydraulic oil level
For pinched or rubbing hoses
For twisted or crimped hoses
For oil leaks
That tow valve is closed
Cutting Units __________________
All hardware securely fastened
Raise/lower operation
Power take-off
Adjust cutting height to customers’ requirements
Make sure hoses do not interfere with lift arms
Miscellaneous __________________
Check for loose or missing hardware
All lubrication points
Examine paint finish; touch up where necessary
Check decals. In place and legible
Make sure Safety & Operation Manual is in pouch
Make sure Parts & Maintenance Manual is in pouch
Throttle stop locked in MOW position
Should you encounter any areas that required repair during set-up, please explain below and fax (262/635-1067) a
copy of the checklist and problem description to us.
Problem Description
Dealer ______________________________________________ Inspected ______________________________
Customer ___________________________________________ Date _________________________________