TF4039-013426-RO English
20190717 Ver.1
Determining the maximum fill level when using a vessel without a maximum fill line
Place the turkey (or other food product) on the lifter.
Place the turkey and lifter into the empty vessel.
Fill the vessel with water just until the turkey is
completely submerged. There must be a minimum of
3 inches or 8 cm between the water level and top of
the vessel.
Remove the turkey from the pot and either mark the
water level on the side of the vessel or measure the
amount of water in the vessel.
Remove the water and completely dry the vessel and
the turkey.
This is the amount of peanut oil the vessel is to be
filled with to cook the turkey.
Use marinade by injecting it into the thicker areas of
the turkey breasts and thighs.
To use, load the injector with marinade and insert the
needle into the turkey. Withdraw the needle slowly
while pushing the plunger, minimizing large pockets of
marinade and spreading it more evenly. Discard any
unused marinade.
Completely pat dry the inside and outside surfaces of
the turkey. This is very important as it reduces the
splattering of oil. After patting the bird dry, add herb
rubs or seasonings to the skin.
Check your hose at both ends for proper connection.
Also, place the tank and hose so that they are not
located directly next to the fryer (see photo). Center
the pot over the burner on the cooker.
Fill the pot to the mark with peanut oil. Remove the
butcher’s tape from the pot.