Before the scan, placing an object in front of the scanner at the working distance, adjust the
. Set such values of the parameters at which the colors on the image
from the cameras will be the most accurately matching the actual object colors.
Model with texture can be exported only in the OBJ format. Detailed information on export of models is
contained in the manual on ScanMerge.
Scanning at turn table
Scanning at turn table is executed without markers. The object of scanning is placed at the table
platform and is scanned from several angles.
Order of scanning at turn table:
To create new
project at turn table
or to open an existing one
To place the object at the center of table platform
To place the object in the way that it`s at the optimal distance from the scanner and the
turn table
To adjust camera shutter speed, brightness of lines and stripes, projector sharpness
Go to
, set the deletion in scanning fragment in the field
Cut by cylinder
, considering
the size of scanned object
To set the number of scanned images to the full rotation of the table in the field
or to set the number of angle rotation in degrees in the field
Optimal number of table positions 8-12. By increasing the number of positions an
excessive number of object fragments may be created, which will cause longer processing
To remove the object from table platform and replace it by calibration field