Final precision is 0.**
shows the calibration accuracy
Memorize the measured value and close the
calibration menu.
Short Calibration function (orientation) is used to test the accuracy of calibration. This is a simplified
version of full calibration, the calculation occurs after the one capture of calibration plate in the initial
position (at the working distance from the scanner). Orientation is also used to configure to the scan area
№ 1.
After performing the
Full calibration
before the scan, perform
. Measured value of
must be less than 0.1 pix.
If the value has proved to be greater, perform calibration again, taking
care of warm-up of the cameras, the position of calibration plate and the size of the plate specified in the
Example 1: A complete calibration result was
final precision 0.095 pix, after Orienting - 0.076 pix.
calibration has been performed.
Example 2: A complete calibration result was
final precision 0.124 pix, after Orienting - 0.11 pix.
calibration has not been performed, it is necessary to calibrate again.
To calibrate for the scanning zone №1, first you must perform calibration for scanning zone №2. Than
you need to close ScanCenter, move cameras to positions for scanning zone №1 (to do this you will have to
temporarily disconnect USB cables) and again launch ScanCenter.
Letting cameras to warm up, install calibration plate on the distance 65 - 70 cm from the scanner and
. Turn on Stripes and Lines and check the projector focus.