Privilege Levels
The TQ600 has four user privilege levels: User, Enroller, Admin
(administrator) and Supervisor.
Users are people whose identity must be verified to record time
such as punching in/out or the time spent working on a job or working
in specific departments.
Enrollers can enroll supervisors, administrators, enrollers and
users. Enrollers can delete users. Enrollers can access “User
Manage” and “System Information” menus.
Administrators (Admin) can enroll supervisors, administrators,
enroller and users. Administrators can delete enrollers and users.
Administrators can access all operations, except “Advanced Options”.
Supervisor is the highest authorization level. Supervisors can
enroll supervisors, administrators, enrollers and users. Supervisors
can delete administrators, enrollers and users. Supervisors can
access all functions and change all setups.
Note: If no user has administrative privileges (enroller,
administrator or supervisor) in the time clock, ALL users will be
enrolled with “Supervisor” privileges.
To change a user that is currently enrolled as an administrator or enroller,
delete the user and then re-enroll the user with the new privilege level.
Enroll w/ Privilege Level
Important! Until you enroll a user with at least Administrator
privileges, all users will automatically be entered with Supervisor
privileges even if they were entered as users. In order to prevent
unauthorized personnel from making changes to the TQ600 you should
enroll a user with Administrator password security.