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Figure 15: RAK4631 LoRaWAN Example
Configuration of LoRaWAN Example Code
There are configurations that you need to set up to ensure that the device can join a LoRaWAN Network server.
The guide below will explain the default settings and how to configure them.
1. Setup the region.
Default is EU868.
You can change this to a region that is applicable to you like
2. Setup the activation method.
Default is OTAA.
To configure the device to ABP, you need to make this boolean variable
3. Setup the message type if confirmed or not.
Default is confirmed message.
You can change to unconfirmed message by changing the value to
4. Setup device class.
Default is Class A.
LoRaMacRegion_t g_CurrentRegion = LORAMAC_REGION_EU868;
bool doOTAA = true;
lmh_confirm g_CurrentConfirm = LMH_CONFIRMED_MSG;