When highlighted the pulse width may be changed using
. Some
example pulse waveforms are given below.
Filter number
The filter number device displays the filter associated with the current
envelope. The filter facility allows you to change the tone of the sound set
and these can be edited in the same way as envelopes. For any envelope
the filter can be off ( ) or set between 1 and 4.
The sound can only be passed through one filter at a time. Although you
can select any of the four filters with each envelope and sound the note (
when playing a tune there is only one filter available for all the envelopes.
The filter may be on or off for each voice. This should be kept in mind when
designing sounds for use in a musical composition. However, using the
LINKER module, music files with different filters set can be strung together
to give a varied musical composition.
When using the sequencer to playback a tune, the filter number device
displays the one available filter. This could, of course, be set to off.
minimum pulse width
(DC wave)
perfect square wave
intermediate pulse width
Filter number