The Music System TMS is a comprehensive microcomputer-based music
program for creating, editing, playing and printing music. The system allows
easy input and storage of music which can then be played back through the
Commodore 64 internal sound system, or through an external MIDI
keyboard/synthesiser. Music can be printed out in proper musical notation
together with lyrics.
The music is entered in various ways: through an extremely versatile
EDITOR in written music format (note at a time). Via an on-screen piano
KEYBOARD emulator, or via an externally connected MIDI keyboard. Each
of these three input modes can create music files compatible with all other
modules. The LINKER can connect these music files together to form much
larger compositions. An understanding of the power as well as the limita-
tions of TMS can be gained through experience with the EDITOR module.
This module provides a central reference for the rest of the system, its
highly flexible step by step music input producing very accurate results.
The types of sound that can be generated are almost unlimited due to the
flexibility of the SYNTHESISER module. This allows you to create the
shapes of the sounds simply and quickly. The sound shapes (ENVE-
LOPES) are incorporated into the music using the EDITOR, KEYBOARD or
MIDI modules, to give you amazing versatility over your compositions.
The six modules are directly accessible from the CONTROL SCREEN.
Each module is identifiable by its own symbol or icon. When applicable data
files are preserved when moving from module to module.