Markers to ends
sets the markers to the beginning and end of the current
voice (or loop section) whereas
Delete markers
removes both of them from
the voice.
Accent music
only operates when voice 1 is displayed on the VMW. It
increases the volume increment for the FIRST note in each bar (between
markers) by 1. This provides an easy method of accenting tunes. Access
the command again to increase the effect. Note that if the overall volume
setting (in Values) is too high you might not hear the effect of the accented
This notepad is a section of the note storage area. The notepad size (given
in Info) is only limited by the total number of notes already stored in voices
1…3. The notepad may be saved on disc at any time or a new notepad file
loaded to replace it (see Files). The notepad cannot be directly added to;
only replaced or deleted.
Copy to notepad
copies all notes between mark-
ers in the current voice to the notepad replacing any previous contents of
the notepad. The voice is left as it was. This command will only be success-
ful if there is enough free space in the note storage area. On the other hand
Move to notepad
will always succeed since the section between the mark-
ers is deleted.
Copy from notepad
copies the contents of the notepad to the current voice
at the cursor position leaving the notepad as it was. Of course, this again is
limited by the available free space.
Move from notepad
also deletes the
notepad after moving it.
Clear notepad
deletes the notepad. You will then
have the maximum free space available for your composition. Note that
loading any music file also deletes the notepad.
You will need to exercise some care when using the notepad facility if you
also change the key signature because, unlike the rest of the tune, the
contents of the notepad are NOT transposed to the new key. Look at Hints
and Tips to see how the notepad can be used to merge two music files.
Block delete
deletes all notes on and between the markers in the current
voice (or loop section). Both markers are also deleted.
voice 1
voice 2
voice 3