Operator’s Manual
© Copyright 2018 - Rail-Ability Limited
13 On Tracking and Coupling
It is assumed that the trailer will be delivered to the trackside by lorry. Care must be taken when
transferring the trailer from delivery vehicle to the track. The trailer must only be lifted onto the track by
a machine that is standing on sound level ground. Particular care should be exercised if this takes
place under live OLE. No items of equipment should be placed on the trailer bed during this operation.
Ensure that the lifting machine has adequate capacity at required radius to safety lift switched on with
its rated capacity indicator/safe working load indicator.
Place trailer onto the line with oscillating axle toward the towing machine. A machine/crane controller
must be available to guide rail wheels onto track.
Ensure that all personnel not involved with control and manoeuvres are outside the operating range of
the machine and that all others are in view and remain safely away from vehicle during these
When on tracking a trailer, ensure the park brake is functioning by:
Using the lifting machine, push/pull the trailer along the track a small distance using the lifting
chains. All wheels should skid and not rotate.
If the trailer moves freely because wheels rotate, remove from use and investigate the cause. THE
Connect the trailer tow bar to the towing machine (but not the brake hoses). Undertake a pull test and
check the trailer the trailer resists the movement.
If the trailer is already on line undertake a pull test and check the trailer resists the movement.
trailers are interconnected with those of other manufacturers, the braking requirements of the
complete system should be checked for compatibility.
13.1 Air Connections
Apply towing machine parking brake, and then couple the red pneumatic hose connections using
supplied hoses.
Ensure that the park brake line blanking plugs/caps are fitted on opposite end of trailer to that being
Remove blanking plugs from red park brake connections on trailer and towing vehicle at connecting
end. Connect park brake hose.
Connect the yellow service brake hose to the trailer and towing vehicle at connecting end.
RED couplings serve the Park Brake Circuit, and should be BSAU138A-1980
‘C’ without self-
sealing valve, located on the host vehicle and trailers.
The corresponding male ‘C’ couplings are fitted
on each end of the connecting hose.
YELLOW couplings serve the Service Brake Circuit, and should be BSA138A-1980
’C’ with self-
sealing valve, located on the host vehicl
e and trailers. The corresponding female ‘C’ couplings with
operating sleeve are fitted on each end of the connecting hose.
13.2 Multiple Trailers
If connecting a second trailer, ensure that the correct hose is used, after first removing the dummy
blanking plugs on each trailer. It is important to remember to re-fit these blanking plugs when the
hoses are subsequently removed.