Operator’s Manual
© Copyright 2018 - Rail-Ability Limited
By operating the A-Lock (axle lock) button the axle can be locked; this will provide greater stability
whilst carrying out stationary rail-mounted operations.
In Rail Mode, the RCI is able to control the axle locks automatically. The axle locks will be applied
when stationary and unlock when the drive pedal is pressed. If the load on hook / radius is low enough
to enable the axles to safely unlock, the RCI will unlock the axles and enable travel. If not the axles will
remain locked and travel will be disabled.
In road mode the axle locks remain manually controlled.
See RCI Manual for further details.
12.6.4 Park Brake
All travel on rail track must be carried out with the park brake off, by operating the Park brake
(Emergency brake) button the brake can be activated whilst stationary or while moving on rail; this will
provide greater braking capability in an emergency whilst carrying out travelling rail-mounted
The rail park brakes should be tested on a regular basis in accordance with the vehicle maintenance
instruction. If there is any doubt about the performance of the rail park brakes or reason to believe the
brake performance may have changed a torque test must be under taken prior to using the machine.
This is undertaken with an appropriate torque wrench and torque multiplier, as well as the Rail-Ability
torque adaptor for the wheel hub. The torque with the service foot brake released for each rail wheel
with the park brakes applied must exceed 2900Nm.
The road park brake must not be applied when working the machine in road mode. If the park brakes
are applied in road mode, the machine functions will motion cut to avoid damage to the road
transmission. The latching foot brake provides a dig brake for operation of the arm whilst the brakes
are applied. This dig brake feature is also available in rail mode.
12.6.5 Service Brake
The latching foot brake provides a dig brake in rail mode.
The rail service brakes should be tested on a regular basis in accordance with the vehicle
maintenance instruction. If there is any doubt about the performance of the rail foot brakes or reason
to believe the brake performance may have changed, a torque test must be under taken prior to using
the machine. This is undertaken with an appropriate torque wrench and torque multiplier, as well as
the Rail-Ability torque adaptor for the wheel hub. The torque with the emergency park brake released
for each rail wheel with the service foot brakes applied must exceed 3400Nm.
12.6.6 Rail Axle Control
See RCI Manual for further details.
Having selected the Rail Axles option from the main screen
page, the screen will display the “Rail Axle
Select” page. The “Home” function is activated by the top left button, and will return the system to the
main screen page when utilised.
To allow the machine to travel in rail mode or return to road travel mode, the rail axles must be
deployed or retracted respectively. As each axle can only be operated independently, select the front
or rear axle use the “left” button to select the front, and the “right” button to select the rear. Once the
required axle is selected, hold the button to allow the vertical movement of the chosen axle.
The current status of the axles is displayed on the main screen page, the “Rail Axle Select” page, and
“Front/Rear Rail Axle Control” page:
The axles will be shown as UP when they are sensed by the system as up, and will be coloured