Error code 21
The current is abnormal, the controller is malfunctioning, replace the controller.
Throttle malfunction, unplug and reconnect the throttle cable. If the issue persists, replace the throttle.
Error code 22
Motor malfunction, unplug and reconnect the motor cable, if the problem persists, replace the motor.
Individual special examples:
Brake lever malfunction, unplug and reconnect the brake cable
Check if the brake lever returns to position
If the problem persists, replace the brake lever
Error code 25
Communication malfunction, unplug and reconnect the control panel cable, and the controller to main
cable connector.
Check if the pins in the connector are bent or damaged, If the issue persists, there could be a problem with the
following components: control panel, main cable, or the controller.
Error code 23/Error code 24
Error code 30
9.1 Error code