ToxiRAE Pro User’s Guide
Bump testing and calibration can also be performed by using the RAE Systems
AutoRAE 2 Automatic Test And Calibration Station. Refer to the AutoRAE 2 User’s
Guide for instructions.
14.2. Calibration Adapter
The ToxiRAE Pro is a diffusion monitor and must be calibrated using a fixed-flow
regulator with a flow rate between 0.5 and 1.0 liters per minute. The ToxiRAE Pro is
supplied with a special calibration adapter that covers the gas inlet. If the local air has
impurities that might interfere with zero (fresh air) calibration, the calibration adapter and
a cylinder of clean zero air should be used.
14.2.1. Connecting The Calibration Adapter
The supplied Calibration Adapter has a removable insert to allow bump testing and
calibration to be performed on the instrument regardless of whether it has a rubber boot
installed. Use the Calibration Adapter without the insert to calibrate the instrument in the
rubber boot, and with the insert to calibrate the instrument without the rubber boot on it.
Place the Calibration Adapter on the top cap of the ToxiRAE Pro by pressing it
into place.
Attach the hose from the regulator/calibration gas cylinder to the Calibration
Adapter’s inlet.
After calibration is complete, remove the Calibration Adapter. When
monitoring, never operate the ToxiRAE Pro with the Calibration Adapter attached. If the
Calibration Adapter is attached during normal operation, inconsistent and lower-than-
normal readings will occur because of decreased concentration of the gas being
14.2.2. Disconnecting The Calibration Adapter
After calibrating the ToxiRAE Pro, you must remove the Calibration Adapter by lifting it
off the ToxiRAE Pro.