User Interfaces
DMD2401 LB/ST L-Band Satellite Modem and ODU Driver
TM075 – Rev. 1.3
Temp Mask:
{Pass/Fail, No/Yes}
Fail indicates that internal temperature of the modem is
out of range.
IntFPGA Mask:
{Pass/Fail, No/Yes}
Indicates a hardware failure on the Interface Card.
Battery Mask:
{Pass/Fail, No/Yes}
Indicates that the Internal Clock Battery is low.
{Pass/Fail, No/Yes}
Indicates an M&C Memory fault.
M&CProc Mask:
{Pass/Fail, No/Yes}
Indicates an M&C Microprocessor hardware failure.
Ref PLL Mask:
{Pass/Fail, No/Yes}
Indicates that the External Reference PLL is not locked.
Ext EXC Mask:
{Pass/Fail, No/Yes}
Indicates that the External Clock is not active.
Ext Ref Mask:
{Pass/Fail, No/Yes}
Indicates no activity on the External Reference.
HS Ref Mask:
{Pass/Fail, No/Yes}
Indicates ???.
HSRf PLL Mask:
{Pass/Fail, No/Yes}
Indicates ???.
Backward Alr:
RxBack Mask:
{Pass/Fail, No/Yes}
Indicates that the modem is receiving an Rx Alarm from
the modem that is receiving its data.
TxBack Mask:
{Pass/Fail, No/Yes}
Indicates that the modem is receiving an Tx Alarm from
the modem that is supplying its data.
Force Back:
{Normal, Alarm On, Alarm Off}
Indicates the state of the Backward Alarm.
Clear Alarms
{Ent = Y, Clr = N}
Clears all Latched Alarms.
4.2.7 System Menu Options and Parameters
Control Mode:
{Front Panel, Terminal, Computer}
Allows the user to select the active control source.
General (menu):
Displays, and allows the user to enter the current date.