will be of benefit to everyone
The results
• Clear technical benefits for installers
• new business opportunities for wholesalers
• better indoor comfort solutions
We will focus on better, value-added heating solutions. by empha-
sising benefits and performance in different conditions, we can
educate the market in supplying higher comfort for the end-users.
by moving away from standardised offer-
ings, everybody wins. end-users get a better,
integrated heating solution and installers
create higher customer satisfaction, both
of which can lead to better earnings. this
also benefits the wholesalers who can easily
increase turnover through higher average
value per transaction. For Purmo and radson,
it will allow us to increase our coverage
through a united sales force network as well
as powerful promotion towards both install-
ers and end-users.
Joint forces create strong impact
to create the highest value for everyone, we
will apply a ‘double’ approach to the market,
refocusing our sales force and on powerful
promotion towards installers and end-users.
a dedicated sales approach with a new level
of service and quality will give us optimal
access to launch new competitive products.
Combining this with a powerful multi-na-
tional marketing concept will ensure the
strongest market presence ever shown by a
heating company.
End-users win
better indoor comfort, quality and design solutions give higher end-user value.
Installers win
Higher customer satisfaction, less installation issues and increased profitability for installers.
Wholesalers win
More business for wholesalers.
and be strong
• One brand concept
• two leading brand names
• new synergies
Norman Bustin
Marketing and sales director
Markus Reiner
Marketing and sales director
Christophe Latapie
Marketing and sales director
The new brand map
We have decided to simplify our multi-
national presence by applying one aligned
approach across the board. this is symbol-
ised by the three radiating heat waves in
a deep orange colour.