RadioLink Electronic Ltd
2 axis track mode: If you need to connect FPV goggles with 2 axis track function to the DSC port of RC6GS
V3, please set the mode to: 2 axis track (or head track in firmware below
V6.7.7). Then directly insert one end of the standard audio head of the FPV
goggles into the DSC port of the remote control, and the other end into the
Track Out port of the FPV goggles. When the DSC mode is selected as head
track, the DSC port of RC6GS V3 outputs in channel 5 and channel 6 by
default. Connect the roll servo and pitch servo used to control the pan-tilt to
the pins of R7FG receiver in channel 5 and channel 6, and then swing the
FPV goggles up and down or left and right, and the servos of the
corresponding channel will swing accordingly.
3 axis track mode: If you need to connect FPV goggles with 3 axis track
function to the DSC port of RC6GS V3, please set the mode to: 3 axis track.
When the DSC mode of RC6GS V3 is selected as 3 axis track, the DSC port
outputs in channel 5, channel 6 and channel 7 by default, which are used to
control the pan, tilt and yaw servos.
Note: If you want to realize the head track function, please make sure the FPV
goggles used support corresponding 2 axis or 3 axis head track function.
Please refer to the video for The connection method of RC6GS V3 to FPV goggles: