Page 14 of 27 Subject: S-100 – Rudder Angle Indicator - Manual
Date & Revision: 24 September 2009 Rev 00
4. Adjustments
4.1. Methods
There are two different ways of adjusting the S-100 rudder angle indicator, this
can either be done by one of our Falcon D1000 panels, or by means of our
special dedicate PC software.
4.2. Zero-point setting
With this setting, the actual zero-point of the indicator can be set. For this you
will have to place the rudder in the desired zero-point and adjust the indicated
value to zero. The zero-point setting is adjustable between -180° and +180°.
4.3. Gain setting
Here you can set the amount of rudder to starboard or port independent of each
other. For this you will have to place the rudder to the far most port position and
indicate in the settings menu the rudder angle it corresponds to. This step is to
be repeated for the starboard position. The S-100 will automatically calculate the
intermediate values.
There is also a possibility to connect the sensor to a 360° rotating rudder. Here
for it suffices to set the amount of rudder to port to 0°, the rudder angle indicator
will recognize the 360° rotating rudder.
In case of dual agitators you will have to pay attention that you have selected the
correct rudder angle indicator, during calibration procedure. The setting of the
rudder angle indicator, whether it is connected to the primary feedback unit
(starboard) or the secondary feedback unit (port), is done by means of the DIP
switch SW 3/4 in the S-100. Standard the indicator is set to starboard indicator.
4.4. 360° Steering
It is also possible to connect the sensor to a 360° rotating rudder. For this you
will have to place the rudder between a value of 0° and 180° port. Then you will
have to set the amount of rudder to port to 0 in the settings menu. The S-100 will
automatic recognize the 360° rotating rudder. This can also be done by placing
the rudder to the previously mentioned amount to starboard and set the amount
of rudder to starboard to 0 in the settings menu.