Page 12 of 27 Subject: S-100 – Rudder Angle Indicator
Date & Revision: 24 September 2009 Rev 00
3.1. Electrical connections
K1: Power
K1/1 and
Here the 18
protected agains
power can directly be drawn from a M
pilot junction box.
connected to a MultiHUB, there will be no secondary power supply available for
the indicator.
When the sensor will be connected to a power s
junctionbox, there will be a secondary power supply available for the device.
Grounding should be done as
Rudder Angle Indicator - Manual
Date & Revision: 24 September 2009 Rev 00
Electrical connections S-100
Power supply, NMEA and analog output.
K1/1 and K1/2 Power supply.
Here the 18-36V DC power supply will be connected to, the sensor is internally
protected against over voltage or reversal of the mains and ground lead.
power can directly be drawn from a MultiHUB, a separate lead or a Falcon line
pilot junction box. Please note, when the rudder angle indicator
connected to a MultiHUB, there will be no secondary power supply available for
the indicator.
When the sensor will be connected to a power supply through a Falcon line pilot
junctionbox, there will be a secondary power supply available for the device.
Grounding should be done as drawing below.
36V DC power supply will be connected to, the sensor is internally
of the mains and ground lead. The
ultiHUB, a separate lead or a Falcon line
Please note, when the rudder angle indicator will be
connected to a MultiHUB, there will be no secondary power supply available for
upply through a Falcon line pilot
junctionbox, there will be a secondary power supply available for the device.