Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića - Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
e-mail: [email protected]
Figure 13. Upper and lower doors open and primary air flap open
After this, it should be possible to fire up the boiler.
When the flame is formed in the firebox, the upper door needs to be closed and the lower door
need to stay slightly open, so that the flame could reach the highest possible amount of fuel.
When the flue gas temperature probe detects the temperature required for the boiler to enter the
operating mode (burning), the lower door has to be closed. The lower door should not be
opened again during the entire burning process. Lower door should be opened only after the
burning process is complete, i.e. when the boiler needs to be cleaned.
It is necessary to move the flue outlet flap from the locking position, i.e. move the handle
towards the flue outlet, and then the flame would move downwards to the draft slot and achieve
After the initial stacking (while the boiler is still in the burning phase), refill the firebox with
fuel. At this point it is necessary to pull the flue outlet flap towards you and lock it in this
position, thus opening the flue outlet and allowing the flame to go directly into it. The upper
door should be opened in a way that you first hold it slightly open and after several seconds start
with the refilling. The firebox should be refilled quickly to avoid excessive flue gas
temperatures. After the refilling of the firebox, the upper door needs to be closed and
immediately after this we can move the flue outlet flap from the locked position into the closed
position. After this, the pyrolysis process runs without interruptions.