Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića - Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
e-mail: [email protected]
According to the external design, dimensions of the firebox, firing openings and cleaning properties,
PK 18 has kept the good features of the previous models for which RADIJATOR INŽENJERING is
recognizable in the market.
The large doors and firebox on the boiler allow firing of large pieces of wood, but also enable easy
cleaning and maintenance. The duration of one fuelling is at least 4h at rated boiler power. The boiler
has the ability to maintain the ember for 12 h, so that new firing up is not necessary if your want to
continue fuelling.
The water part of the boiler, and its mode of heat exchange between flue gases and water, is adjusted
to wood. Due to the use of fans, i.e. forced draft, the flue gas route is longer than in standard boilers.
For these reasons, it is possible to use flue gas routers, so-called turbulators, which additionally
increase the efficiency of the boiler.
The efficiency of the boiler exceeds 90%. In normal mode, the flue gas temperature at the exit is
around 160 °C, while in maximal modes it is below 210 °C. These values may be read on the display at
any time. During operation, soot and ash deposit in the exchanger part of the boiler, which results in
significant decrease of heat exchange and the increase of flue gas temperature. If the boiler is not
cleaned over a longer period of time, the flue gas temperature may become so high that the boiler enters
a modular mode of work. All parts of the water portion of the boiler are produced of seamless pipes of
ST 35.4
quality and boiler sheets with thickness of 4-5 mm, depending on the boiler power. Sheets
correspond to the quality prescribed by
1.0425 EU
standard i.e.