Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića - Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
e-mail: [email protected]
P74 [configuration of the outdoor temperature sensor] = 7
P26 [confirmation of configuration] = 2
Outdoor temperature sensor and configuration 10.3
Change of parameters:
P74 [configuration of the outdoor temperature sensor] = 7
P26 [confirmation of configuration] = 4
Outdoor temperature sensor should be connected to the output Room thermostat as shown in the
connection scheme.
7.5.3. Start of an alternative/additional source of heat
If you wish to have an alternative source of heat (e.g. gas or electro boiler), the automation system may
manage (ignite and extinguish) the alternative source of heat.
Work principle
: The output is managed by Th56 Thermostat: above this value is supplied.
Connection scheme and parameters
: For this function it is possible to use the output V2. The output is
of 230V.
Parameters: in System menu, submenu Enables, the parameter P44 is factory-set on value 3.
Then in the System menu, Thermostats submenu, set the parameter Th56 and hysteresis Ih56. Our
recommendation is that the parameter Th56 is nearly equal to parameter Th35, and the parameter Ih56 is
between 2 and 10°C.
7.5.4. Additional system for feeding pellets
It is necessary to connect the pellet level sensor and the system engine as shown in the scheme.
Work principle: When the pellet level sensor signals the absence of pellet, the output is activated which
moves the engine for loading of the silo. If in a time T24 signal of the pellet level sensor is still active, the
automation system goes in Extinguishing and the display shows the message Er18.
T23 is the time during which the silo is loaded after the signal of the sensor.
Set the following parameters in the System menu:
Enable: P71=2
Timers: T23 and T24 (our recommendation for the parameters is the following - T23=1900; T24=1800).
7.6. Heating management
7.6.1 Introductory notes
Inputs for temperature sensors in the automation system are adjusted to probes NTC 10K. Configuration
10.0 is implied and factory-set. Configurations 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 are automatically generated from the