Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića - Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
e-mail: [email protected]
3.2. Measures and safety devices of the Ecoflame Plus boiler
The boiler is equipped with sophisticated safety devices which may stop the operation of the boiler in
case of unforeseen circumstances, thus preventing any consequences that may be caused by improper
operation of the boiler. Whenever a problem occurs, the devices will stop feeding pellets and the shutting
down phase of boiler will begin.
Pressure safety valve;
Air vent;
Thermostats in the automation system that regulate the work of the boiler;
Thermal safety valve (TSV) (the boiler has an envisaged connection for TSV on top, which
is installed by the boiler user).
Pressure safety valve, shown in picture 7 on the left
Pressure safety valve must be of nominal 1/2'' in diameter, calibrated to maximum 3 bars. This
safety element which belongs to the group of pressure limiters must be of such construction to
withstand short-term exceeding temperature and pressure, as well as certain content of glycol in
the heating liquid.
Safety valve is located on the back side of the boiler, outside the casing so that, if activated, the
water it lets out does not endanger the work of the boiler.
Safety valve must be mounted on the boiler without any pipeline or any other elements in
between. For this purpose there is a specially designed connector. Any reduction in diameter of
the connector is strictly forbidden.
Drain or exhaust part of the safety valve must be of pipes the diameter of which is at least equal
to the nominal diameter of the outlet part of the valve. Furthermore, for its production it is
allowed to use, at most, one arc of radius r > 3d.
Safety valve must possess a nameplate with the following data:
- name of the manufacturer;
- designation of the type of safety valve/year of testing;
- nominal flow rate;
- data stating for which thermal effect the safety valve is set;
- the highest opening pressure, i.e. 3 bars.
It is obligatory to check the proper functioning at regular intervals, as well as to have it calibrated
again by a certified company. These obligations are carried out in accordance with the law of
each country in which the boiler is assembled. Always keep the written documentation containing
the data of the latest calibration of the safety valve.
Assemble at least one more pressure safety valve on the cold water connection.
Air vent, shown in picture 7 on the right
Air vent is assembled on the highest point of the boiler. This is another safety measure that refers
to appearance of air in the system and boiler itself. It also absorbs sudden momentary pressure
changes. It can withstand maximum pressure of 10 bars. This safety element must be periodically
calibrated again, of which the boiler user must possess valid documentation.