The maintenance of this product must be carried out in accordance with instructions
given in this manual, and must be conducted by designated, qualified and competent
personnel. Rada products are precision-engineered and should give continued superior
and safe performance, provided:
They are installed, commissioned, operated and maintained in accordance with
our recommendations
Periodic attention is given as necessary to maintain the product in good functional
order. Guidelines for frequency are given below.
All the shower controls in this series have all main functional parts contained within
service-free cartridges, so any maintenance requirement is reduced to temperature,
performance and functional checks and inspection, with cartridge renewal when
necessary. In larger installations with a number of shower controls or mixing valves,
it is good policy to maintain a small stock of spare cartridges so that no shower
control/mixing valve or facility need be out of commission for more than the time it
takes to exchange the cartridge, and also, eventually, a rolling programme of cartridge
renewal can be undertaken as part of a planned maintenance procedure. The designed
minimum service life of all cartridges is five years under normal operating conditions.
The use of main supply-line or zone strainers (recommended maximum mesh aperture
dimension is 0.5 mm) will reduce the need to remove debris at each shower control
Rada Service Engineers/Agents will call by prior arrangement, if required. Service
Contracts may be undertaken, subject to survey - details upon request.
Planned Maintenance Programmes
Preventative/Precautionary Maintenance
The frequency and extent of attention required will vary according to prevailing site
and operational conditions however, the following guideline schedule is suggested
to cover average duty and site conditions.
In all other cases it is recommended that a routine of preventative be employed
which is based upon assessment of the risks to the user. The following practices
are intended to support such a routine:
- In-service tests
- Regular temperature checking in between In-service tests
- Maintenance of a log of in-service tests and temperature checks together with
details of cartridge replacements