Once the desired maximum blend temperature is achieved, refit the hub without
disturbing the spindle, positioning it so that the lug is against the stop on cartridge
face, preventing further rotation. Check that blend temperature has not altered.
Refit the temperature knob so that the lever is aligned with the maximum hot
position shown on the body shroud.
Refit the cap and locking screw.
Commissioning Checks
(Temperatures should always be recorded using a thermometer with proven accuracy)
Check inlet pipework temperatures for correct function of checkvalves.
Operate the flow control and check:
- Flow-rate is sufficient for purpose.
- Temperatures obtainable are acceptable.
- All connections and control body are watertight.
- Supply pressures are within the range of operating pressures for the valve
It is advisable to establish a performance check at this time, which should be
noted for future reference as part of a Planned Maintenance Programme (a
Maintenance Record Card has been provided with this Manual).
The procedure should be chosen to imitate both typical and difficult operating
conditions, such as any supply pressure fluctuations that may be likely. An ideal
method is to locate another outlet on the common cold water supply close to the
shower control (operating this outlet should cause a drop in supply pressure),
and note the subsequent effect on blend temperature (should be no more than
2°C change).
Exercise the thermostat as described on page 17.
- If the outlet temperature is set correctly then refer to
Commissioning Checks
- If adjustment of the temperature is required, carry out the procedure shown
below and refer to Figure 7.
Remove the temperature knob, using the 3 mm A/F hexagonal wrench (supplied).
Pull off the temperature hub.
Rotate the spindle until the required maximum blend temperature is obtained at
the discharge point
(clockwise = decrease temperature)
When resistance is felt do not use force to turn any further, as this can
damage the internal parts.
Check that both inlet isolating valves are fully open. Turn the temperature knob to
maximum and operate the flow control. Allow the temperature to stabilize and check
the outlet temperature.