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User Manual
Rev. 1.0 - 01/02/22
6.11 Special Functions - Windows Audio
The “
Audio Windows
” button adds in the active window a sheet for the management
of audio functions. This function is not needed if the device is connected, because
if it recognizes an equipment with audio functions during the connection adds
automatically the correct sheet. However, with this button you can activate an
audio interpreter of your choice to edit audio data and then save them on FILE for
future equipment upgrades (see AUDIO window).
6.12 Special Functions - Windows Audio - PTX
The audio window changes depending on the connected equipment, for PTX the
window is shown below. After the opening, the operator can press “Load from
equipment” to read the audio data from the equipment and display them in the
appropriate fields. In case of modify you can use the “Change equipment setup”
button to update the equipment.