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User Manual
Rev. 1.0 - 26/03/04
Power Amplifier menu (P.A.)
This multi-line scrollable menu reports to the user some internal measurement of the
Voltage (VPA) - Not active
Current (IPA) - Not active
Efficiency - Not active
Mains voltage (Mains - percentage variation with respect to the nominal voltage)
The complete aspect of the screen is the following figure (please note that only two
lines at a time are visible, use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll):
La seguente figura mostra l'aspetto completo di questa schermata (sono visibili sul
display solo due righe alla volta, utilizzare i pulsanti SU' e GIU' per scorrerla):
Please note that the first three lines of this screen are not active since they are not
meaningful for a hybrid coupler.
Threshold setting menu (Set)
As described in the introduction, the amplifier offers a maximum of three user settable
alarms. For each of them, one of the working parameters is compared against a
threshold value that can be be modified by the user. The results of the comparisons
are available on the telemetry connector or as dry contacts on the optional external
telemetry board, and can be read on the display as "O" (open, i.e. the result is false)
or "C" (closed, i.e. the result is true).
Two of the settable thresholds are related to the RF emitted power (Power Good),
while the third is connected to the amount of reflected power (Reflected Warning).
The thresholds are expressed as percentage of full-scale value of the relevant quantity.
The full scale values for the HC5 are the following:
Forward Power
10000 W
Reflected Power 1000 W