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User Manual
Rev. 1.0 - 26/03/04
6) Protection of electric net feeding "Mains."
It intervenes when the mains voltage that feeds the apparatus HC5-10 exceeds the
limits of ± 20% and the value until to that is maintained is outside from the limit interval,
returns normal the operation when the value is within the limits interval.
Functioning Anomalies
Some operational conditions could cause a way of work of the apparatus not optimal.
Anomaly: When at least one of the PJ2000M-C amplifiers doesn't disburse the
same power of the others, the power on "Rej PWR" absorbers resistances could
exceed the threshold value of 200W. If during the operational period of the transmitter,
a situation is verified that involves the intervention of the protection with the power
reduction (es.: one of the amplifiers suspends his operation temporarily, while the
others continues to work), in this case the system with HC5-10 doesn't return to the
power value of RF out precedent to this event.
Remedy: Reduce the power of all the transmitter adjusting the trimmer "Power Adjust",
on the HC5-10 frontal panel, until to obtain a value of "Rej PWR" inferior to 200W.
Anomaly: When the signal phase regulation of the 5 amplifiers is not optimized, the
power on resistances absorbers "Rej PWR" it could exceed the value of 200W. If
during the operating period of the transmitter, a situation is verified that involves the
intervention of protection with power reduction (es.: one of the amplifiers it suspends
its operation temporary, while the others continues to work), in this case the system
with HC5-10 doesn't return to the power value of RF out precedent to this event.
Remedy: Regulate the signals phase of the of the amplifiers until to obtain a value
of "Rej PWR" inferior to 200W.
When one of the amplifiers is set in "Local" position, its way of work is differentiated
from the way of the other amplifiers.
When it comes controled a set of "OFF" acting on HC5-10, the amplifier in "Local"
reacts with a set of "Inhibit", instead that "OFF." The situation doesn't constitute risk
of damage for the whole system, only an imperfection of form.
When it comes controled a set of "Reset" of protections acting on the command of
HC5-10, the amplifier in "Local" it doesn't effect his reset.
When the amplifier set in "Local" is in position "OFF," isn’t possible change its position
to "ON" acting through the commands on HC5-10.
When the amplifier set in "Local" it comes commuted in "Remote", this aligns itself to
the set planned from the commands operated on HC5-10.