Within Smart Mode there are two standard presets,
Summer and Winter. You can modify these presets and
add your own custom presets to allow quick setting
changes on the fly.
The settings you choose in this section will change
what temperature the fan will come on at each set
Tap on any speed to adjust the temperature for
each speed.
Turn Fan Off:
This is the humidity percentage that
will cause the fan to turn off. For example, the
factory setting is set at 90%, meaning the fan will
turn off if the humidity in the attic is 90% or higher.
Tap this setting if you would like to adjust the
percentage. If you do not want this feature, you can
select OFF at the top of the list.
Turn Fan On:
This is the humidity percentage
that will cause the fan to turn on, regardless if the
temperature settings are not met. For example,
the factory setting is set at 70%, meaning the fan
will turn on if the humidity in the attic is higher than
70%, even if the temperature in the attic is below
the temperature settings in the app. If you do not
want this feature, you can select OFF at the top of
the list.
Desired Speed:
This is the speed the fan will use if
the humidity causes the fan to turn on.
These settings will be saved into the memory of
the Hub meaning all settings will sync between any
additional devices you pair to the Hub.
Click Done to complete Fan Setup. You can always
access these settings again from the Settings option
on the Fan Control Page.